Monthly Archives: April 2014

Hypocritical Episcopal Church bans guns in response to GA HB60

The Right to self defense has been well understood for millennium.  The Bible clearly articulates the justified killings of evil men and nations in self defense. Bishop Robert [..]

News Stories, Political

April 19th, the original Patriots Day.

Two Hundred Thirty Nine years ago years of oppression and tyranny came to a head in Middlesex county.  The infamous “Shot Heard Round the World”. It was actually [..]

Political , ,

Let them eat turtle? The Patriots vs the government.

I don’t think most people realize how close the BLM situation in Nevada came from becoming the second shot heard round the world. Some folks were asking what [..]

News Stories, Political

Florida Family shoots home invader.

Stories have been flooding the news lately about home owners shooting would be home  invaders but this story is a little different.  This time a family shoots a [..]

News Stories, Political, Uncategorized

VZ-2008 Review and take down.

The rifle has some unique features you won’t find on an AK such as a last round bolt hold.  The benefits of a last round bolt hold cut [..]
