Monthly Archives: February 2015

CTT Custom Holster for the HK VP9 and AIWB thoughts

The review of the CTT Custom holster from Chi-Town Tactical  is live over the 13C YouTube Page  I give my thought thoughts on the holster as well as [..]


SS109 / M855 ban: what you need to do and what you shouldn’t do.

For those who aren’t familiar, you can find the proposal HERE. When the story initially broke, I made some simple social media posts and shares and didn’t feel [..]

News Stories, Political

BREAKING: Bans on interstate FFL to private individual handgun sales are unconstitutional

2/11/2015 BREAKING: In a striking blow to Atty General Eric Holder and B. Todd Jones of the BATF, A Federal ruling out of Texas declares that the bans [..]

News Stories, Political