Plagued with problems from the first round, we give the CZ P10C a second look after it’s return from the factory.
The P10C Suppressor Ready handgun we bought and tested was fraught with problems from the very first round fired. Both with and without a silencer it was, for lack of a better term, a hot mess. You can find the original article documenting all the issues HERE .
After exhaustive testing with multiple types of ammunition from various manufacturers as well as multiple silencers we sent it back to CZ for warranty work.
One of the main reasons we did such extensive testing was because of numerous reports we saw from users stating both flawless functioning of their P10C’s to “jam-o-matics”. We wanted to make sure the issues we were having were across the spectrum of all different types of ammunition and silencers.
The gun was with CZ for about 4 weeks and when it came back the repair sheets listed polishing and deburring as some of the work that was performed.
It’s important to note the spring was not the issue and nothing was done with it at the factory.
You can find the more detailed information as well as the video HERE –